
Explore New Journey and Achieve a New Leap -- Chenghui Shuangda 2018 Commendation Conference has achieved a complete success

Chenghui Shuangda

Time goes by, years change, in a blink of an eye, the busy year has passed. With passion and challenge, a new year is coming. On the occasion of the New Year's Day, Chenghui Shuangda's 2018 recognition conference was held on January 28 at the Ni's Haitai Hotel in Jinan. The conference invited many partners and Chenghui Shuangda employees to gathering together.

In recognition of the opening of the conference, Mr. Wangzhigang, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Mr. Wang Tingjian, General Manager, made respective New Year speeches. They reviewed the achievements made in 2018, looked forward to the bright future of 2019, and expressed their deep wishes to the staff.

The results of 2018 can not be separated from the hard work of each employee. After the leadership speech was over, the company's leaders awarded employees with excellent staff awards, sales award awards, R&D innovation experts awards, and outstanding contribution awards.

In recognition of the conference, the department staff of each exhibition, brought you a wonderful audio-visual feast. There is a lively dance "Joyful Day" and there is also a quiet mime "Outpatient Storm"; There is a popular dance string burning, but also the quintessence of Chinese culture "Pear Flower Song", the ups and downs are too numerous to see.

During the performance, it was interspersed with raffle links, rich gifts and cash red envelopes, which greatly aroused the enthusiasm of employees, pushed the atmosphere of the scene to one climax after another. There were laughter and laughter on the stage, and the sweat of the past turned into wine in the cup. Everyone drank together.

The Congress has come to an end for the time being, but the progress of Chenghui Shuangda will not stop. In 2019, we will open up a new journey and achieve a new leap forward.


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